How we started and why this will be huge!
People are naturally drawn to compelling stories. A well-crafted narrative can capture the imagination and inspire a sense of excitement for what's to come.
To create an engaging and memorable presentation, consider illustrating your journey through a visual timeline peppered with key events. This will bring your audience along for the ride as they learn about the inception and growth of your idea.
In the Mental Health App context, the idea came from personal experiences. We saw firsthand how individuals struggling with mental health couldn't access timely or affordable help. They faced lengthy waiting times or were unable to locate a suitable therapist.
Explain how you moved from an idea to a real-life solution. Begin by emphasizing your domain expertise and personal experience. Clearly communicate why you and your team are uniquely positioned to address the problem at hand. Add some drama to the key challenges you faced and how you overcame them through true grit and serendipity.
Then, explain how you realize you are just in the first scene of an exciting movie that will become a blockbuster!
Most of all, make it personal! Passion and positive energy rub off, just like laughter and smiles. Your story must engage and draw people into wanting to be a part of your startup’s future chapters!
This slide should answer the following questions:
- What unique insight led to identifying this problem?
- How did the idea for your startup originate?
- Why is now the right time for your solution?
- What is your vision for the future?